Friday, November 28, 2008

जय हिंद

शहीदओंन की चिताओंन पर लगेंगे हर वर्ष हज़ार मेले
वतन पे मिटने वालों का बस यही बाकी निशाँ होगा

मेरा भारत महान

Monday, January 14, 2008

A parallel ray on the other side of the prism

For those looking to understand the context of this blog title go read this post and you will get a complete hang of the storyline.. Yes its a story line... :-)

Now for the other story or rather the other side


"Damn Damn", I said it out aloud checking out yet another outfit in the mirror. I glanced at the reflection of the grandma clock. "Only 30 minutes to go. Jeeeez I can not be late".

I still can not fathom why mom is not letting go of this antique piece of junk and get me something more Appley Gen Yish timepiece. "Ok back to the more important things at hand. Shirt shirt shirt…"

Oh forgot about you altogether. REWIND……..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh…. ( About 5 hours …..)

"October is just around the corner and I can not believe time has flown as fast as it has." I have been very preoccupied since morning, actually I hate to admit but it's been longer than that, about how to deal with the situation. No, No not time its something else.

I did not have it in me to carry on with the rest of the day in classes. Anyhow only two more were left and it was not like any sort of an epiphany was going to take place in the 45 minutes of blabbering about to start in matter of minutes. I decided to bunk. There is something new, something fresh in every occurrence of this "bunk" in my life. I have been a proud member of the "bunking" club since I turned a teenager. But till date every time I do it I feel a gush of blood. I remember the last time around I actually managed to bunk a surprise test after knowing that there was one coming. Oh digression….

I decided, oh yes I do a lot of that "deciding", not to go to the canteen. I popped a minto, the mint with a hole, and started to walk towards the soccer field. The short cut to the coffee shop was one of my favorite paths to walk in the campus. There was not much to call green inside the four walls of this "temple of wisdom"….I don't know yeah I don't know why they use that expression for something that is closed for the outside world. I mean would wisdom not ask off of one to let go of boundaries. Damn, Sorry just hard for me to keep my mind on the strand of thought.

As I was walking across I saw that there was something or possibly someone breaking the blue green flow of the soccer field. There are these obtrusive blue chairs on the side of the field and every time I see them I make a promise to break them the day I graduate. Oh no I don't have very destructive tendencies just that these particular chairs, apart from being a tacky blue also happen to have a history with me during the so designated "senior interaction period a.k.a. ragging.

The orange top she was wearing was reminiscent of the colors of fall I saw driving with my family a few years ago through the Appalachian Mountains in US. It was a beautiful drive and the colors were just mind boggling. The scenic route stops and those small cafes scattered all along the path we took. Oh Yeah so that's she, YES it is. "Oh God, I have to think. Dude think think think. Yes that is her and you have to do something now. It has been like a gazillion years since you have been trying to figure something out. Yes the planets are aligned and the fat lady has sung so you go and do something now."

I tried to collect my thoughts as if like a bundle of leaves fallen at the tree base and started to walk towards her. My stomach was grinding and if it were any louder I am sure she would think I am a working geared mechanical robot. You see my "decidedness" has already landed me into a couple, well a lil more than that, of arguments with her. I just hope in the absence of other human lives (or mechanical geared robotic ones) I will have somewhat of a more civil conversation.

"hi there, Shouldn't you be in class?"

It was way louder and sterner than I should be. I am sure she is going to go ballistic on my ass. As is I don't think she has a good impression of mine. I should stop giving people the feeling that I am a "player". You see it's that I just love to have fun and if that means pleasing a few people every now and then so be it. It's not like I bend over backwards or forwards for that sake. Hey why do they use the phrase bend over backwards. I mean HELLOOOOOO… Oh yeah… So she didn't even look up. I am 200% sure that she is going to blow a gasket now. You see decidedness comes with this statistical surety just like Oreo and milk. That by the way is not a combination I am very inclined towards. Actually I am more of a bitter chocolate person. Oh ok so yes she didn't even glance upwards. She should have so that she could see somewhat of a drop in my heartbeat pace and the sudden loss of perky color of my face.


Great a good start uttered my inner self, I hope these mutterings never ever get recorded in any form of waves or magnetic pulses or anything you see. I have had my fair share of making a fool of myself so any such secure information leakage would be devastating for me to be able to hold my thoughts together. Speaking of thoughts, I was not so sure what was going through her head and for that matter not even mine. I decided to give it a shot and slowly started to take a seat close to her. I liked the fact that she decided not to sit on the tacky blue chairs and preferred the natural grass. It was slightly wet I think but I could care less.

"What're you doing here?" she asked.

"Didn't have any motivation to stay in the class," I said with a wink. "Woman with you out here what kind of a motivation can a class offer…And sorry the wink was just another uncontrolled reaction…".. Jeez I hope once again my innerself never ever gets to speak out loud….

"I was kinda hoping you could help me out with something," I said hoping to take the conversation somewhere to get an opening.

"What?" she said.

Bulldozed. Yes that's what it seemed to be like. Had I committed a cardinal sin or what. "Thou Shalt not ask favors from thy whatever…Ok now get a hold.. Ask her". I was far more fidgety than my usual self. I for most part can hold my own when it comes to being with the fairer sex but I think this time around there was more than the usual nervousness.

"There's this girl. I like her, yeah I do, and normally I'd go right up to her and ask her out, but this one's a bit of a puzzle. I'm not sure if she likes me, and I'm scared, I know it's stupid. I should prolly just ask her out but I don't wanna blow this one, because every time I see her I feel.....(pause)....I feel so good."

Wooooaaahhh. All that came out in a single breath. I hope she doesn't catch on and find out how I am churning on the inside. Churning, oh I love those double churned chocolate ice-creams. The extra velvety texture of the double churned ones makes them a killer dessert. The very thought makes me smile. I remember reading somewhere "Life is short eat dessert first." It is a nice line I should use it somewhere. Oh did she say something? I don't know.

"you think I should just ask her out for a"

I thought that would be the right way to still keep the talk going. Would she figure out the ploy or not. Well I have seen her in class she is smart. But hey what the heck lets see.

"I...I don't know... you could do that, Movie sounds like a good idea, I'm sure she'll be thrilled..." she said as she slightly tossing a hubba bubba my way.

"don't you wanna know who it is?" I asked her trying to play it cool. Wow this taste does have a kick. I think it's the minto left over taste that adds to the kick. Maybe they should come out with a minto covered one. Wow this is really cooling my head. I like this.

"I'll find out," she said picking up her bag, "excuse me, I'd love to sit and chat but I gotta go"

"Got any plans tonight?" I asked

"Yes, think I'll be going for a movie."

Yeah…gggggggggg oooo aaallllllll… Should I pinch myself? No calm down and take it easy that's what I said to myself. Time seems to be flying again. Say something to her should I?

"so you'll pick me up at seven then?"

Seven. Lady I would pick you up now if would let me. This is cool. So what should I wear where should we go and what about snack after the movie. I think I will take her to a coffee shop. Hey she is looking at me what should I say.

"Seven sure," came out of my mouth and I was happy for not having messed it up. You see I can get myself into situations a kindergarten kid would be capable of avoiding. Its just that wandering into my thoughts is a full time devoted decided indulgence of mine.

She disappeared behind that gate like moonlight behind a cloud. I hope it's a nice moony night. Is there a word like that? Maybe there is. Man this hubba bubba is having an effect on me. Well so now what now. Mmmhhh maybe I will go get that cup of coffee after all. I think caffeine after this minto hubba bubba will be a good add on.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Reminiscing the days

I finished Chetan Bhagat's "5 Point Someone" two days ago. I had started it like early this year but left it midway and didn't get around to finishing up the short pieces left. The story though very unrealistic is still narrated via events some of which in a singularity seem very plausible.

It brought to the active memory front the fond memories of cricket in the wing, sassi tours, tanku maggi, and much more. It is funny how old memories can spring out of nowhere every now on then on such external stimuli.

I think this strengthens my belief in the innate human need to belong. These memory jogs re-associates us with people, events, time, and thoughts that we seem to forget and fore go in our day to day lives as we go about making a living in the present.

Well I guess thats it...

Friday, March 2, 2007

A blank slate

Thats what I am right now. I have always wondered what to say on a blog. I think this will become easier as I get accustomed to it.